Archive | August, 2013

FINALLY!! A High Protein Diet study That Has Been Repeatedly Recommended

31 Aug

Doubling the Daily Allowance of Protein Intake With Diet and Exercise Protects Muscle Loss

I hope it means that the health community will actually believe it, instead of thinking that this is “bad for your kidneys.” I wish I could say more, but this tends to sum it up very well.


Three Cups of Dairy A Day: All Hype with No Science?

7 Aug

Anybody who may study the evolution of the human diet would know that we did not eat dairy in the quantities that federal dietary guidelines recommend today, but over time, dairy was included as a main staple. Today, the guidelines recommend that we ingest three cups of dairy per day. However, Walter Willett, Fredrick John Stare Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health, questions this recommendation, suggesting that this recommendation comes more from dairy industry lobbying rather than supported scientific data. Read more

I am not surprised. One can see the same trend when it comes to grains. The  guidelines published in 2011 encourage Americans to cut back on refined grains and replace them with whole grains, but they still suggest that it is okay to consume up to half of our grains as refined grains. That’s unfortunate, since there’s been even more research evidence in the past five years that refined grains, such as white bread, white rice, and white pasta, have adverse metabolic effects and increase the risks of diabetes and heart disease. “Big Agriculture”, “Big Dairy” and “Big —” [you fill in the blank], somebody is pulling somebody’s else’s strings to keep America “healthy”. But whether or not today’s dietary guidelines are entirely based on scientific evidence versus special profiting interests is debatable, and more than likely, wrong.